Friday, September 3, 2010

Name Change!!

I am now officially known as...ACHMED THE DEAD TERRORIST!!!

No, not really, although this video is certainly worth seeing (warning: foul language):

If you took the time to watch that, hope you enjoyed. Many thanks to a friend for showing me this amazing clip =D No racism, please. Remember that extreme Islamic fundamentalists are very much the minority in this world, so I don't want to hear or read anything about how all the Muslims on earth should be nuked. 

Okay, back to business. I have officially trashed the title "The Phantasy Lives On" as the name for my blog. Yes, yes, say it out loud, the old one was cheesy. I don't really mind your titters. I had originally started this blog for different reasons and then I found myself moving in this direction. And merely changing the title of the blog is a breeze compared to moving all the irrelevant entries into a separate blog. So I took the lazy way out. The name might change again, but I'll do my best to make this one stay put for good. Watch out for a different URL, though, that might also change. So now...*ahem* Welcome to Inkblots, etc.! Hope you like my noob black and white banner!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Don't choke, don't choke...

Now I feel like the British teenager Kanye West chose as his single person to follow on Twitter (but hopefully without that huge onsurge of followers Mr. Teenager got from that event). Let me explain the full story: Several months ago my mom proposed that each month I choose a new novel to get from and she pays for it, provided the final price is reasonable. I guess since I'm more of an English/arts person, she wants to keep me in civilized company where books are concerned. It might sound weird and old-fashioned to some people, I suppose, but I love reading and at the time I hadn't gotten any new books for ages, so I was really excited. And so it began...

Fast forward a few months. I happened to see a novel on Amazon by this more-or-less-obscure author and got interested, so I bought it. I didn't leave a review for it on Amazon until a few days ago, but I did manage to find and follow her on Twitter in the meantime. And guess what...half an hour ago she tweeted with a thank you for my nice review! She doesn't know me personally, of course, but since I took the time to give a genuine review...

It was just sheer coincidence that I was following her on Twitter and happened to see her tweet on this. She didn't mention any reviewer's names in the tweet, but I was curious and checked it out. And holy moly, it was my review for her book! She currently has 768 followers and has tweeted a lot about her writing schedule, other reviews for her books, etc., so you can understand my surprise. It was all I could do to not start squealing and hopping up and down. Hopefully I'm not coming across as shallow. It's just really cool to have a mini-celeb acknowledge you and thank you for what you had to say. Good thing that there's nobody home but me now...

Changes and Storm Clouds

I ended up changing the URL for my new music-review blog after creating it and because of that, the earlier link doesn't work. Here's the new link:

[Edit: Apparently Blogger doesn't like this new URL either. Click on "Go to blog homepage" and it will show.]

So I've been home for a couple of days now and...I'm not actually in the best mood. My mom's been bugging me about the things I still have to do for college applications. I haven't been in the mood to finish up my summer assignments and right now my tummy is bothering me =( So all of this adds up to a rather grumpy Amorailuv. Argh. I hate deadlines of all kinds.