I am now officially known as...ACHMED THE DEAD TERRORIST!!!
No, not really, although this video is certainly worth seeing (warning: foul language):
If you took the time to watch that, hope you enjoyed. Many thanks to a friend for showing me this amazing clip =D No racism, please. Remember that extreme Islamic fundamentalists are very much the minority in this world, so I don't want to hear or read anything about how all the Muslims on earth should be nuked.
Okay, back to business. I have officially trashed the title "The Phantasy Lives On" as the name for my blog. Yes, yes, say it out loud, the old one was cheesy. I don't really mind your titters. I had originally started this blog for different reasons and then I found myself moving in this direction. And merely changing the title of the blog is a breeze compared to moving all the irrelevant entries into a separate blog. So I took the lazy way out. The name might change again, but I'll do my best to make this one stay put for good. Watch out for a different URL, though, that might also change. So now...*ahem* Welcome to Inkblots, etc.! Hope you like my noob black and white banner!
Random, spazzy and fun-loving. Very artsy and a PotO fan until the world comes crashing down. Here on earth to have a good time. Thanks for dropping by!
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