Hey, guys! This is a bit of a random post, I know...but hopefully you're all cool with that. This is a lovely collection of quotes I've heard, been a part of, or picked up, through friends or teachers or movies...Read, enjoy, and take 'em to heart.
"Anybody who criticizes you is a wimp. So be you. And be you loud, and be you strong, and be you to the maximum."
"If I could be any part of you, I'd be your tears. To be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips. "
"If I could be any part of you, I'd be your tears. To be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips. "
"I like the floor. It's the only thing that seems real."
[Abre los Ojos]
[regarding magic]
Xander: You can't just go "librum incendere" and expect...[the book on his lap bursts into flame]
Giles: Xander, don't speak Latin in front of the books.
"Whether there is freedom and love or not, in death everyone is equal. I hope that death is not your end. You adored the light, so you will never fear the darkness." [Summer Palace]
[kiss scene in Abre los Ojos]
Senora Molano: EW!!
[Entire class cracks up]
"Just changed the name of my iPod to "The Titanic" so whenever I plug it into my computer it says 'The Titanic is syncing' "
[from www.boardofwisdom.com]
Krisnelly to Rishabh: Don't make me angry, otherwise I'll punch you in the uterus!!
Rishabh: ...........
Me: ...........*starts laughing really hard*
"Dawn, the hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me." [BtVS]
"I didn't discover choral or classical music until I was 18 years old. My very first experience singing, at hearing these close harmonies around me...the dissonance was so exquisite. And so when I finally started composing, when I was 21, I filled my music with those dissonances, those vibrations, because it just makes me feel...I just want to die in that moment." [Erik Whitacre, choral composer]
"Per aspera ad astra" (through hardships to the stars)
"The righteous shall walk a thorny path."
[Lindsey, Angel]
"You're not *friends.* You'll never be friends. You'll be in love until it kills you both. You'll fight...and you'll shag...and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love is not brains, children, it's blood--blood screaming inside of you to work its will!............I may be love's b**ch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."
[Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer]
Carissa: What's up, mah babymaker?
"Overhead transparencies are like underwear. When you run out, you've gotta wash them!"
[Mrs. Ross. ♥]
Mr. Woodworth: You need more FIRE and less PANTS!!
"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
[Douglas Adams]
Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It's too high!
And they came, and he pushed, and they flew.
-Christopher Logue Croyez-
[Katy, Kristen and me inside the girl's dressing room>Fall play]
Kristen: Let's dress up in other character's costumes, then run around and see if they notice!
Male voice over intercom: That's...not...nice.
[3 seconds of complete silence]
*laughter with legit tears*
[Chang Gung University Cafeteria, Taiwan]
Me: You got everything?
Milena: Wait, wait, I need to get a pair of those tweezer thingies...
Me: ...don't you mean chopsticks?
Frankenstein Monster: I am accustomed to pain.
Van Helsing: It lets you know you're alive!
Annoying Chinese telemarketer: [Speaking Chinese] Hello. Do you speak Chinese?
My mom: [Also in Chinese] No, I can't.
*She hangs up*
"Inspiration comes in the middle of the night when you should be doing homework." ~Amy Lee~
Mr Stemmler: Does anybody else have the word "UNDERGARMENTS" in the first five words of their DBQ?
"Be nice to other people. They outnumber you 6.8 billion to one!"
Eileen: What a butt!!
"When life gives you lemons, use them to squirt lemon juice into the eyes of your enemies."
"...some things are meant to be broken. Imperfect. Chaotic. It's the universe's way of providing contrast. It's how life IS."
~The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
[Abre los Ojos]
[regarding magic]
Xander: You can't just go "librum incendere" and expect...[the book on his lap bursts into flame]
Giles: Xander, don't speak Latin in front of the books.
"Whether there is freedom and love or not, in death everyone is equal. I hope that death is not your end. You adored the light, so you will never fear the darkness." [Summer Palace]
[kiss scene in Abre los Ojos]
Senora Molano: EW!!
[Entire class cracks up]
"Just changed the name of my iPod to "The Titanic" so whenever I plug it into my computer it says 'The Titanic is syncing' "
[from www.boardofwisdom.com]
Krisnelly to Rishabh: Don't make me angry, otherwise I'll punch you in the uterus!!
Rishabh: ...........
Me: ...........*starts laughing really hard*
"Dawn, the hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me." [BtVS]
"I didn't discover choral or classical music until I was 18 years old. My very first experience singing, at hearing these close harmonies around me...the dissonance was so exquisite. And so when I finally started composing, when I was 21, I filled my music with those dissonances, those vibrations, because it just makes me feel...I just want to die in that moment." [Erik Whitacre, choral composer]
"Per aspera ad astra" (through hardships to the stars)
"The righteous shall walk a thorny path."
[Lindsey, Angel]
"You're not *friends.* You'll never be friends. You'll be in love until it kills you both. You'll fight...and you'll shag...and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love is not brains, children, it's blood--blood screaming inside of you to work its will!............I may be love's b**ch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."
[Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer]
Carissa: What's up, mah babymaker?
"Overhead transparencies are like underwear. When you run out, you've gotta wash them!"
[Mrs. Ross. ♥]
Mr. Woodworth: You need more FIRE and less PANTS!!
"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
[Douglas Adams]
Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It's too high!
And they came, and he pushed, and they flew.
-Christopher Logue Croyez-
[Katy, Kristen and me inside the girl's dressing room>Fall play]
Kristen: Let's dress up in other character's costumes, then run around and see if they notice!
Male voice over intercom: That's...not...nice.
[3 seconds of complete silence]
*laughter with legit tears*
[Chang Gung University Cafeteria, Taiwan]
Me: You got everything?
Milena: Wait, wait, I need to get a pair of those tweezer thingies...
Me: ...don't you mean chopsticks?
Frankenstein Monster: I am accustomed to pain.
Van Helsing: It lets you know you're alive!
Annoying Chinese telemarketer: [Speaking Chinese] Hello. Do you speak Chinese?
My mom: [Also in Chinese] No, I can't.
*She hangs up*
"Inspiration comes in the middle of the night when you should be doing homework." ~Amy Lee~
Mr Stemmler: Does anybody else have the word "UNDERGARMENTS" in the first five words of their DBQ?
"Be nice to other people. They outnumber you 6.8 billion to one!"
Eileen: What a butt!!
"When life gives you lemons, use them to squirt lemon juice into the eyes of your enemies."
"...some things are meant to be broken. Imperfect. Chaotic. It's the universe's way of providing contrast. It's how life IS."
~The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
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