Thursday, December 11, 2008

Comparing: Ways that I'm obsessed with Phantom. Do you match?

1. I'm working on translating the entire movie screenplay into Spanish, partly because the subtitles were horrible in some places and also just as a solo project.

2. Seen the movie AT LEAST 50 times, the first week or two after discovering it I watched it two or three times a day nonstop.

3. Someone says "the Phantom" and I automatically think Gerard Butler. Who, in my opinion, can sing once you get used to his voice.

4. I have the movie soundtrack, the original novel by Gaston Leroux, have long-term borrowed the Special-Edition DVD and have hundreds of Phantom-related pictures on my computer (the 10-min. video below this post has around 250, I'm guessing).

5. My computer wallpaper is a Phantom-Christine graphic, and the last time my Youtube channel was decorated in a non-Phantom fashion was this August.

6. The first two or three nights after seeing the movie for the first time, I dreamed about the Phantom.