Sunday, May 17, 2009

I literally feel like I'm spinning, out of control. All those songs lyrics are true.

I'm not mentioning any names here, but

  • Although most of the blame lies on me, it's not all my fault. He is VERY perceptive, yet sometimes jumps to conclusions too quickly and he accuses me of some things that aren't true.
  • I hurt him unintentionally, and it turns out that his words hurt me in return. Ah, karma.
  • So after I read his response, I felt-100% real-- like my chair started spinning sideways into the ground.
  • It's more than just a friendship, but now it's pretty much gone. he's ready to say goodbye to me for good and I feel like I can't coax another chance from him.
  • I feel so bad for hurting him like this. But I never did it on purpose. Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes. Over and over again.
  • Maybe I should become a hermit.