Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quick Update

Feel free to yell at me because it's 12:25 am here and I still have to do English homework for The Scarlet Letter, but I couldn't resist telling someone about this.

For the first time, I'm going to attempt, and hopefully succeed, at making a Christmas-themed Phantom of the Opera video. Backstory: when I was in 8th grade choir, the 7th grade Boy's Choir performed a HILARIOUS parody of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" in their holiday concert. Ahh, good times....they got a standing ovation at the end, and I still can't hear the song today without laughing for tears.

Luckily, the song was a bit more popular than I thought. SO, I just got a rendition of it off iTunes and I'm SUPER excited about this. Some parts of it will be difficult, but I think I can pull it off!

Here's the parody, called "The Twelve Days After Christmas"...with some ad-libbing by the Husband in this video. Enjoy!