Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Snow Fairy Has Arrived!

So the promised snowstorm has officially started around an hour ago, promising anywhere from four to twenty inches where I am. I'm excited and it really cheers up my mood. It's strange that I'm feeling both a little cranky and nervous, given that Christmas is only a few days away, but:

  • We'll be seeing a friend (and her family) of my mom's, who has a daughter a year older than me. The last time we saw each other was easily ten years ago and I'm a little antsy that we'll be too different to get along, or that she doesn't remember me.
  • I admit to being a little too slack about Christmas presents this year. I still have no idea what to give some people.
  • SAT-season is suddenly much closer than before. I have to check the registration dates. This is making me very on-the-edge.
 But I'm trying not to dwell on that too much. The holiday season is officially here and with luck, all the snow falling right now will remain on the ground until at least Christmas morning. ^_^