Friday, February 26, 2010

Dear, Sweet God...

I have no idea if I'm atheist or not. 

I have a lot to talk about, but because of time restraints I have to keep it short, or as short as possible. I'm just going to let it all out without checking for flow or coherency, so sorry if some parts are confusing.

First of all, my scheduling for next year's classes. I'm going to be a senior next year and I can't take early dismissal because since my mom works in my school and she drives me, one of us will be stranded at school. So I asked my guidance counselor how many electives I could take next year. Her reply was that as long as I had enough credits to graduate, I can take as many as I want. 

Cool! I thought. So in her office, I handed over my scheduling form, with the following courses selected:

Creative Writing I and II
Concert Choir
AP Music Theory
Fashion/Clothing I and II
English 12 Honors (Senior Seminar)

(Something like that. I hadn't decided for sure on a lot of them and I think I'm missing a couple of my original choices. But because I don't have my scheduling form with me at the moment...)

My counselor scans over my form really quickly and the first thing she says is, "It seems like you're going from taking a good number of Honors and advanced courses to taking a lot of easy ones. And colleges don't like that."

I think my mouth dropped open a little at her words. What she was saying made sense, but my change from harder to easier courses was completely unintentional. After all, I was trying to take a lot of electives. Of course they would be easier! That wasn't necessarily my fault!!

The problem is, I have a dilemma. Senior year is supposed to be easy, a nice long break from the stress of junior year. But the student in me is calling to me to take Spanish 6 AP, AP Chem, either AP Statistics or Precalculus...etc...

My counselor printed out my tentative schedule for next year with a bunch of classes that if I had a choice, I seriously would not consider taking. It's all about being practical: since I'm going into the liberal arts, visual/performing wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to take AP Chem and Precalc (although my teacher has told me I'll do great in it) when I'm not going to use it in my adult life. I'm pretty darn sure that I'll change some of those classes.

So it all boils down to having a harder senior year and taking several honors and AP courses to be more easily accepted into college, or taking classes that I ACTUALLY WANT TO TAKE and getting awesome grades, but putting more stuff on the edge. 

Secondly, school. School was closed for the third time this year. Unfortunately, we have only two snow days built into the calender, so it means that if school is closed a third time, a fourth time, etc., they will shorten our spring break. So as of right now, our spring break is already one day shorter.

The other problem is, this seriously hurts the school musical. Although I said earlier that this year's musical is relatively un-amazing, I still want it to be a moderate to big success and I think that it's finally coming together after so many weeks. But because we had a delayed opening yesterday, we couldn't hold a preview for VES students and so lost a lot of potential audience members that way. School previews for the high school and Upper Middle School were supposed to be today, but because school's closed, we were able to hold ZERO PREVIEWS for the musical this year. And since our first performance of the musical is tonight, obviously that was canceled too.  What on earth...?!?

It's just really terrible timing on Nature's part. I was counting on having a full day of school tomorrow so that the cast and crew of the musical could stay in the MPAC all day and theoretically skip out on homework. But if our debut performance is postponed to Sunday afternoon like our director hinted at, I only have today to do about 3 days' worth of homework.

Why did they even close school? We had maybe 4 inches of snow. Wet snow, but still relatively easy to clean up. I know the hardest-hit area was around Pennsylvania and a lot of our teachers live there, but for the sake of keeping all of spring break, they shouldn't have called a third snow day! One year they had around 2-3 inches of snow and they closed school, but when we got 8 inches later that year, they only called a delayed opening. 

Just goes to show how messed up people and weather can be at times....


doppelherzx3 said...

We have a really good possiblity of being in a lot of classes next year together! I am taking Creative Writing all year, as well as English H and choir.
I'm happy that you decided not to overwork yourself with so many AP classes because senior year is the time to RELAX!
As for our snow day, I totally agree with you! The only reason why we had off is because they keep the buses on a mountain (as to reduce the number of potential stalkers .. I'm not going to name the mountain) so there is a lot of ice.
I for one am not going to school the Monday they took away from our spring break - I don't know about you.
Let's play hooky!
I hope the play turned out alright though, even without that extra practice time.