Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fast update

Hey all,
Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. I've been really busy with some stuff, ie. midterm exams, long-term projects...things like that. Sometimes I dislike school for taking up practically all my free time. 

Anyway, the Snow Fairy has arrived twice in one week, bringing maybe a foot and a half of combined snow to my neighborhood......and my school district relented! They've closed school for two days, which, by the way, has NEVER happened before.

Well, scratch that. I meant to say, my school district hasn't closed school for two days in a row in at least a decade. Anyway, that 2-day break combined with the President's Day weekend makes for very happy students and teachers alike. Poor teachers, though....they still have Staff Development on Friday and have to go back to school.

Yours Truly is in the school musical again, her fourth one. This time it's "Once Upon A Mattress," which is a retelling of "The Princess and the Pea". It's......a little cheesy, maybe a little mediocre, but not terrible. The problem is, with a lot of great seniors gone from last year who can't take the stage and with lots of cancelled rehearsals from the snow, this year I have a feeling it isn't going to be great. We're at least several days behind schedule and one gets the impression that we're very, very rushed trying to throw it together in the last few weeks before opening night. I'm not quite feeling the musical, compared to the last two or three years.

Over the past few weeks my iPod earbuds and the headphones I've been using for my computer have gone a little haywire, so I had to get new ones...and I have officially fallen in love with Skull Candy products. I just love them: they have bold colors and really cool designs. So now I'm proudly sporting new earbuds for my iPod, and my new headphones just came today:

Please don't tell me that I'm a rich freak who loves showing off expensive brands, since Skull Candy tends to lean towards more wallet-draining territory. I got them both from Amazon, which has much lower prices than Skull Candy's original given one.

Have to get back to work on my Biology lab report, because I'm 99.99% positive my teacher still wants it emailed to him, regardless of whether we have school today or not. 1 1/2 hours left and I need help on 3 of the questions! Eep!